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Techapalooza 2020 Archives

techapalooza 2020

The Big Byte Swing Orchestra

Big Byte Swing Orchestra

Shortly after the Roswell incident in 1948, The Big Byte Swing Orchestra was secretly assembled and contracted by the CIA and the RCAF to perform for a private audience of Aliens as part of an orientation program to Earth culture at Area 51. Tests conducted by top American, German and Soviet scientists on one of the many flying saucers in hangers nearby unintentionally created a hole in the space-time continuum directly above the stage where the band was playing propelling them mid-set from Roswell in 1948 to 2020 at Club Regent in Winnipeg.

The said information is completely true.

Techapalooza 2020 was held Saturday, February 22, 2020 at Club Regent Event Centre, raising $101,000 for Cancer Care Manitoba.