Techapalooza 2019 Archives

2019 Band Lineup
Bill & Dave’s Salisbury House Jukebox
Brad Enns, Gary Brenner, Hal Ryckman, Jon Einarson, Napoleon Sansregret, Thom Wolstencroft
Byte Me
Boris Gulyarin, Colin Kelly, Craig Holigroski, Dan Major, Dana Neal, Don McLean, Jeff McMaster, Karin Carlson, Kathleen Boht, Rick Strempler, Vic Arias
Great West Life Top Secret Rosies
Annastasia Lambert, Blair Burns, Brent Thompson, Chad Muir, Chris Durston, John Hamm, Keith Lalman, Stacey Suderman, Susan Dacke
Guardians of the Groove
Brad Griffiths, Dan Christle, Dean Lalchun, Debbie Young, John Visser, Lisa Cupples
The Q Fighters
Annastasia Lambert, Dan Baker-Moor, Emily Baxter, Gerry Behringer, Keith Lalman, Stacey Suderman
W!ldCard Ch*.*cters
Bayne Robertson, Chris Durston, Darren McFee, John Diffey, Kevin Nebroski, Sandra Epp
Judges’ Choice:
Fan Favourite:

Techapalooza 2019 was held Friday, March 1, 2019 at the Hotel Fort Garry Ballroom, raising $115,000 for Cancer Care Manitoba.