Techapalooza 2021
2021 was a tough year for Techapalooza. With extended pandemic lockdowns preventing large-scale gatherings — or sometimes any gatherings at all — we were unable to hold the event we wanted. Not content to let the year go by without a fundraising effort for Cancer Care Manitoba, we ran an online bracket-style competition using past event video and online voting. Although the total raised was down from our live events, we’re proud of the sponsors and donors who came through to raise $54,000 during a difficult season.

We would go on to resume in-person events in September of 2022, getting back to our usual time of year in 2024.
But this was, after all, our 10th year and it felt rather anticlimactic. The videos below explain the format of the event and preserve a copy of the livestreamed wrapup event announcing winners and making the cheque presentation.