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Band Lineups | 2017

How I Met Your Motherboard

Dust off your RCA and click your rotary VHF dial to the hottest in pure Technicolor tunes. It’s alright if you can’t afford a color set, songs from your favourite B&W shows will also be featured. Don’t bother getting up to change the channel, we’ve got you covered as the hit theme songs come fast and furious. How I Met Your Motherboard is a band that pays tribute to those ear-worm songs of your favourite shows of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s… right to today. Every generation will hear something they know. 

Audience be warned: there will quiz – guess the names of each of the shows – and you can win a prize!

Band Members

Derek Steele: Vocals
MB Hydro

Carl Strempler: Guitar

Nicholas Au: Guitar

Joshua Bertin: Acoustic Guitar

Steven Nelson: Bass

Dorian Khan: Saxophone, Vocals

Kim Chau: Flute, Vocals

Gary Brenner: Keys

Greg Boettcher: Drums


When asked about their inspiration the Hexadecibels replied, “It’s as if you took the psychedelic sounds of the 70’s, added 2 cups of beer, a shot, put it in a blender then sprinkled it with sweet sounds”. That’s Hexadecibels.” Witness the performance of this inspiring group coming together to demonstrate that programmers really do know how to rock. Their uniquely driven style will have you on your feet much faster than you can say Hexidecibels.

To quote the Matrix, “Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, ‘cause Kansas is going bye-bye!”

Band Members

Trish Rempel: Vocals, Percussion

Kyle Joyal: Vocals, Percussion

Eric Santiago: Guitar, Vocals
Cire Film/Sound

Hector Luna: Guitar

Dominique Kraun: Bass, Vocals

Karrie Didyk Zarecki: Piano, Keys, Vocals

Rick Margerison: Drums, Percussion

Bill & Dave McKenzie’s Band

On a cool summer evening as they sat on their favorite lawn chairs, Bill and Dave McKenzie wondered “wouldn’t it be awesome if you could hear all the great old summer tunes by our favorite Canadian bands, but from ONE BAND all at once?” “And not just the stuff they play to death on classic rock stations; the cool tunes…and songs about beers, and crappy jobs, and pretty girls, that made cruising to Juniors, and swimming in the pits and waking up in a field surrounded by empties so awesome…we should put a band together man….”

So Bill and Dave McKenzie’s Band was born: guys who wear toques drink Canadian, and can rock a Canuck tune like nobody else!

Band Members

Thomas Wolstencroft: Vocals, Percussion

Neil Sinnott: Vocals, Harmonica, Guitar

Napoleon Sansregret: Guitar
HP Inc.

Craig Kurbis: Guitar
Retired IT Sector Worker

Brad Enns: Bass, Vocals

Hal Ryckman: Drums

Great-West Life Google Dolls 2.0

Reunited once again with some new band members are the Great-West Life Google Dolls 2.0. They are looking forward to rocking the night away to Mick Jagger, Phil Collins and others!

Be ready to do the locomotion with this fun-loving group of musicians.

Band Members

Nancy McCuaig: Vocals
Investors Group

Adam Hanson: Backup Vocals
Great-West Life

Keith Lalman: Guitar
Great-West Life

Brent Thompson: Guitar
Great-West Life

Glenn Antonio: Bass
Great-West Life

Chris Durston: Keys
Investors Group

Blair Burns: Cello
Great-West Life

Colin Ramsey: Drums
Ion Financial


Goodbye, 2016 and hello 2017. We are welcoming the next trip around the sun. Pop, funk, and rock, old and new. We’re the only band with a legit horn section, percussion, and we’re going to make you happy and dance. We won Fan Favorite last year, come early.

This year is going to be a show.

Band Members

Sandra Epp: Vocals
Online Business Systems

Karin Carlson: Keys, Vocals
Online Business Systems

Don McLean: Guitar, Vocals
Government of Manitoba

Colin Kelly: Bass
Online Business Systems

Dana Neal: Trumpet, Vocals
Velvet Revolution Productions

Vic Arias: Trumpet
Manitoba eHealth

Boris Gulyarin: Tenor Sax, Vocals
Investors Group

Craig Holigroski: Trombone, Confetti Coordinator
Waterfire Consulting

Dan Major: Drums
Funding Change

Patrick Barrios-Blair: Percussion, Drums, Vocals

Band line-ups