Food | Akin’s Restuarant – Our food sponsor for 2024
We at Techapalooza24 Thank Akin’s Restaurant,
For providing a generous discount on all food items to all of our guests for the evening!

About Akin’s Restaurant
At Akin’s Restaurant our goal is to provide authentic west and central African cuisine for those who like to experience our native delicacies and beverages. Whether it’s west or Central African, we use the finest ingredients to produce these mouth watering creations.

Menu for the Evening!
Jollof Rice with choice of 1 piece chicken or 1 piece beef
per plate $10.00
Fried Rice with choice of 1 piece chicken or 1 piece beef
per plate $10.00
White Rice with choice of 1 piece chicken or 1 piece beef
per plate $10.00
**Vegetarian option – fried plantain (dodo)
Includes a bottle of water.
Meat pie $ 5.00 per piece
Chicken pie $ 5.00 per piece
Vegetable pie $ 5.00 per piece

Find us Online or Visit us!
akinsrestaurant.com >
Restaurant Location:
570A Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg R3B 3L5 >