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Techapalooza 2017 Archives

Techapalooza 2017
Techapalooza 2017

How I Met Your Motherboard

Dust off your RCA and click your rotary VHF dial to the hottest in pure Technicolor tunes. It’s alright if you can’t afford a color set, songs from your favourite B&W shows will also be featured. Don’t bother getting up to change the channel, we’ve got you covered as the hit theme songs come fast and furious. How I Met Your Motherboard is a band that pays tribute to those ear-worm songs of your favourite shows of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s… right to today. Every generation will hear something they know. 

Audience be warned: there will quiz – guess the names of each of the shows – and you can win a prize!

Techapalooza 2017 was held Friday, February 24th, 2017 at the Hotel Fort Garry Ballroom, raising $96,000 for Cancer Care Manitoba.